Which Plants Are The Easiest To Care For?
Everyone loves house plants, but there's just one problem. And that's actually caring for them. Sometimes it seems like house plants just want to die. Believe me, I've had to watch helplessly as some of my favorite plants slowly died before my eyes. In this article, we'll take you through a list of indoor plants that won't die on you, at-least, not very easily. Let's take a look at some easy-care house plants.
Variegated Croton, photo credit u/McFlynder on Reddit
Which House Plants Should I Avoid?
Quickly, before we get to that, let me just mention one very popular indoor plant that you should avoid-the dreaded croton. Although it may look very beautiful, this house plant which is commonly sold at big name stores like Home Depot and Lowes is one of the toughest plants to keep alive. If you still want one, by all means, try your luck. Just don't say I didn't warn you! (Jokes aside, Crotons are notoriously quite difficult to take care of, but I believe in you.) Without further ado, let's look at the easiest to care for house plants (in no particular order)

Monstera Deliciosa
Now, hear me out on this one. When you hear the name monstera, you might not immediately think "Hey, that one's easy to care for." In fact, you might think the opposite. But let's face it, the beauty to care ratio on this split leaf plant is astounding. In my experience as a not-so-caring plant lover, monstera's can thrive even with the smallest amount of care. Even from a scientific stand point, monstera's do not require much watering to survive. I've gifted this house plant to many of my friends who know nothing about plants, and they've managed to not only keep their monstera alive, but also have made them thrive. The monstera deliciosa, known for it's stunning split leaves, is one of the easiest to care for indoor plants that money can buy. I mean, just look at the one pictured above. You can purchase a starter monstera here.

Snake Plant
Here comes the fan favorite. Everyone loves snake plants, and it totally makes sense. Snake plants are known to thrive on minimal care and are known to have air purifying properties. These stunning plants belong to the Sansevieria family, and there are dozens of different varieties of snake plant available. The best part of these plants is that they are easy to propagate via cuttings. If you have any friends or relatives with a snake plant, you may want to ask them for a cutting that you can use to propagate your own plant. Snake plants only require the bare minimum, being able to thrive in indirect sunlight, but also tolerating full sun and low light conditions. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves of the snake plant to burn, however. Overall, their low maintenance and survivability make snake plants a favorite indoor plant among both novices and seasoned plant lovers.
Tradescantia Nanouk
Did somebody say stunning? This beautiful plant is not snake plant level easy to care for, but it isn't very difficult. Some people may have had a hard with with the nanouk in the past, but the two most common issues with this beautiful pruple plant are overwatering and too much sunlight. The tradescantia nanouk is one of those "leave it in a corner, and water every few days" type of plants. Overwatering your nanouk will cause leaf rot. To avoid this, simply don't water your nanouk until the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. This plant is perfect for beginners who want to add a touch of color to their space, without having to dedicate countless hours to maintenance and care.
Overall, while house plants can sometimes be difficult to manage, it's not impossible to find indoor plants that aren't a headache to take care of. If your are looking for more low maintenance plants that you can keep indoors, check out our piece on air plants.